Public Debt Sustainability: International Perspectives
by Charles Paul Blahous, Fredrik Ng Andersson, James C Capretta, Pablo Guidotti, Steve H Hanke, Steve H Hanke The Johns Hopkins University, Lars Jonung, Barry W Poulson, John Merrifield Professor of Economics, Norbert J Michel, Emilio Ocampo, Carlos Newland, Barry Poulson University of Colorado, Wolf Heinrich Reuter, Thomas R Saving, Jan-Egbert Sturm, Vera Z Eichenauer, Lars P Feld, Kurt Couchman Americans for Prosperity, Xavier Debrun
Public Debt Sustainability: International Perspectives
by Charles Paul Blahous, Fredrik Ng Andersson, James C Capretta, Pablo Guidotti, Steve H Hanke, Steve H Hanke The Johns Hopkins University, Lars Jonung, Barry W Poulson, John Merrifield Professor of Economics, Norbert J Michel, Emilio Ocampo, Carlos Newland, Barry Poulson University of Colorado, Wolf Heinrich Reuter, Thomas R Saving, Jan-Egbert Sturm, Vera Z Eichenauer, Lars P Feld, Kurt Couchman Americans for Prosperity, Xavier Debrun
ISBN 13: 9781666902587
Format: Paperback
(388 pages)
Publisher: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic
Published: 15 May 2024
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